Friday, February 09, 2007

What the hell did I do? A couple of posts ago I was talking about my job and money. I reached a point where I know I deserve more. As cocky as it might sound (and by now you should already know that I have a fucking huge ego) I deserve a better title and/or a better pay. I can live without the title, but the money is something that needs to happen. I haven't been looking for a new job, because of my line of work I have permanent communication with a lot of external companies, so I'm fortunate enough to know a lot of people. Because of the quality of my work I know people respect me as much as to send me job offers.

I honestly don't want to leave. I like it here, I've been with the company for 5 years and overall it is an awesome place to work. I've learn A LOT, I've been lucky enough to meet the best of the best in the WORLD from all aspects of this industry and I made tons of friends. All the stress, long hours and BS are totally worth it. However, I need to make a move to reach what I want. NYC is fucking expensive, it is CRAZY expensive and I'm not living as comfortable as I would like to. For the past 2 years I literally transformed piece by piece the area that I'm managing, and I think it is time for me to be recognized for that. I was searching or and I found a company looking for somebody to do exactly what I've been doing. The title is better and I have no idea about the money. I updated my resume in 20 minutes and hit "send".

I didn't think about it until this morning. What if the pay is way more, what if they offer me what I want? I know I'm perfect for that job, I know there is nobody out there that can do it better than me. And as much as I don't want to leave it would be retarded for me to turn it down. Crap!

I'm so drinking tonight! anybody wants to join in?


Blogger Harleyblue said...

I went through this same thing about a month ago. In the end I didn't take the new job because they seemed kind of flaky and I work for a very stable huge corporation. It wasn't right. But I'm still always on the look out for a new job with better money. I love where I work but I deserve more. I've paid my dues and I feel like I'm sitting still. I'm good at what I do and will eventually move on. Until then, I'm happy where I'm at.

9:03 AM  
Blogger Roxy said...

I would love to join you for drinks... I'll do it from up here in Boston.

10:41 AM  
Blogger Still just me said...

Sometimes the very best things happen by accident. Trust your instincts.

9:10 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

Oh I did join you. My hangover testifies for it now. I understand not wanting to leave. Perhaps if they offer, you can ask your company to match it and get the best of both worlds.

12:18 PM  
Blogger TC said...

I've been there.

You know what you want... but then you get offered it and what if it's not really what you wanted all along?

Best wishes!

6:01 PM  
Blogger Bribrannabanana said...

The fact that you were kind of looking, even if it wasn't a whole-hearted search, for another job should tell you that you're not satisfied where you are. If you have such loyalty for the company you're with now, then before accepting a new job give them a chance to match or beat the offer, but don't pass up a great opportunity in favor of a company that doesn't recognize your hard work!

10:08 AM  

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