Monday, November 27, 2006

Isn't it fun to go back to work after a 4 day break? I guess is not so bad, the weather has been pretty great the last couple of days, which kind of scares me because it is not supposed to be this warm. One side of me is really enjoying this, while the other side is worried that in a few weeks it will be 10 degrees with 4 feet of snow.

I'm really disappointed because my camera decided to die on me last Wednesday, so I have no prove that I saw Mr Blaine! I finally left work around 2pm, so before I ran out I checked online to see where the hell was he (I couldn't see anything from my window). Believe it or not I almost gave up, because I almost couldn't find the exact location, until it appeared: 46th between 7th and 8th. I start walking, and yeah it took me forever because there was a gazillion people outside. I stopped in Broadway and 46th and look up, nothing. hmm weird. I walked one more block and nothing, two more and nothing. I decided to walk from Broadway to 8th avenue and just take the subway home. i was right in the middle of 2 stations, so I decided to walk back and use my usual stop. While walking on 8th and 46th, I saw him. They didn't close the street or anything. Basically they took a parking lot and put a stand. The guy wasn't 5 stories high, maybe 3, if. The machine wasn't controlling the movements, he was controlling it, so he could stop and then turn however he wanted. After 2.5 minutes I was done. I mean, cool, and good for him, but it wasn't that exciting, in fact there wasn't a lot of people checking him out. He posed for pictures, and then went back to spin around. I took my camera out and the bitch just died. Sorry Mr Blaine, maybe next year.

The rest of the weekend, was uneventful. I slept as much as I could, eat way too much and finished some work. No sex today kids!

PS, a certain someone wants to stop by my office on Friday, that spells T-R-O-U-B-L-E. I'm still thinking about accepting that plan or just avoid drama.


Blogger Wendy said...

cool! I thought that whole ad campaign for Target and the kids was clever.

12:37 PM  
Blogger Mistify said...

avoiding drama, that makes a lot of sense but has never been my strong point.... thanks for your recent comments

4:27 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

Going back to work was painful!

7:27 PM  

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