Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Ok, now I'm really screwed. I am SO going to drink at the party that is not going to be any funny. It can go two ways: Either I'll get in trouble with girl #1 or #2 or I will kill somebody. Without giving too much information, this is what I do: I'm basically the link between my company and outside companies regarding the product that I handle. The outside companies are vendors and clients. There's a shitload of people that work in my company to make sure that the product is good, but at the end the responsibility of delivering that product falls into one group. I don't have any control over that group whatsoever, I'm not even part of that group, but because of my job I need to deal with them.

Well, after all the work of literally dozens of people, this last group delivered a product with errors. Obviously the clients let us know about it. Well, since I don't have access to that group I did what I always do, send an internal email asking for an explanation (key word: "internal").

That group bypassed me and contacted the client directly, not giving an answer, but asking them what was the problem, since they couldn't find anything wrong on their end. For their misfortune, I already knew what was the issue, but because I was on the subway i couldn't email them about it (eventually they have to allow some kind of blackberry signal in the subway people!!!). So, now the client thinks that we don't know what we are doing because this group wasn't able to detect such an obvious issue!

So, all the work of all these people, including my team, went to hell because somebody was cutting some corners. Fuck them! I know I'm anal at work, but because of that things run smoothly and people are happy (internally and externally), and now because of this single group we are back in square one.

Sorry for the rant, but I'm so fucking ready to kill somebody!!!!! I need to start keeping a bottle of vodka or something in my desk!

We'll get back to some inappropriate, highly sexual topic tomorrow.


Blogger Chris said...

Frustrating and unfortunate. Yes, drink. And I'm waiting for the details of the party.

7:28 PM  
Blogger mistipurple said...


5:32 AM  
Blogger TC said...

Can't wait to hear about the party!

7:49 AM  
Blogger Bribrannabanana said...

Rant away, that's what we're here for ;)
That sucks, I hate when things like that happen. Also, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't increasingly curious about what you do. I also work in the entertainment industry, and I am also 'the link between my company and outside companies regarding the products that we handle'.

Good luck with the party, can't wait to hear about it. My office holiday party is tomorrow... hopefully I won't get too drunk and create more drama in my life, but hey, who am I kidding?

9:02 AM  
Blogger Wendy said...

alrighty, where is the sex story?

10:50 PM  

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