Wednesday, November 29, 2006
This is what I see every morning. I took this yesterday when it was sunny, today is pretty crappy.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
All the Small Things
There are certain things in life that just put a smile on your face. It can be the most insignificant thing and somehow it makes your day. I can honestly say that I'm very easy to please, I don't need much to smile! This morning I got in the subway and it wasn't as full as always, in fact there was one empty sit. I rarely sit in the subway (I don't get much exercise lately, so at least I try to not sit down as much as I can), so I only stood in front of the empty sit since there was no other place to stand. Anyway, as soon as I got there I turned around and this 30 something redhead woman gave me "the gesture", not the sexual one, but the one where she acts all cute so I can let her sit down. By the way, I'm all for giving women, kids and elderly people my sit on the rare occasions when I actually decide to sit down.
Anyway, after the look, I moved back in order for her to get thru, unfortunately there was a black guy behind me so I step on his foot, yikes! Because I I was carrying my laptop on the backpack I couldn't really move much without losing my balance. I said sorry to the guy, but I couldn't really see his face because the woman was trying to get in front of me. And then it happened. She was about to sit down using the little space between me and the sit, so her face was right in front of my face, I tried to give her as much space as possible but there was no way to avoid the contact. I looked down just to make sure that she had room (she was about half a foot shorter) and there it was, a black lace kind of see thru bra. For all you girls reading: we cannot stop looking at a bra, it has to be something genetic, we just have to watch. The moment lasted less than a few seconds, and I didn't really saw much, just the top of her white breast in perfect contrast with her black bra. She sat down and I had a smile on my face. She looked up and smile back. Then I turned around and gave my proper apologies to the black dude.
Silly story, with no reason whatsoever, but that simple thing made my morning... see? I'm easy to please! I just need a see thru piece of clothing and I'm good for the day!
Monday, November 27, 2006
Isn't it fun to go back to work after a 4 day break? I guess is not so bad, the weather has been pretty great the last couple of days, which kind of scares me because it is not supposed to be this warm. One side of me is really enjoying this, while the other side is worried that in a few weeks it will be 10 degrees with 4 feet of snow.
I'm really disappointed because my camera decided to die on me last Wednesday, so I have no prove that I saw Mr Blaine! I finally left work around 2pm, so before I ran out I checked online to see where the hell was he (I couldn't see anything from my window). Believe it or not I almost gave up, because I almost couldn't find the exact location, until it appeared: 46th between 7th and 8th. I start walking, and yeah it took me forever because there was a gazillion people outside. I stopped in Broadway and 46th and look up, nothing. hmm weird. I walked one more block and nothing, two more and nothing. I decided to walk from Broadway to 8th avenue and just take the subway home. i was right in the middle of 2 stations, so I decided to walk back and use my usual stop. While walking on 8th and 46th, I saw him. They didn't close the street or anything. Basically they took a parking lot and put a stand. The guy wasn't 5 stories high, maybe 3, if. The machine wasn't controlling the movements, he was controlling it, so he could stop and then turn however he wanted. After 2.5 minutes I was done. I mean, cool, and good for him, but it wasn't that exciting, in fact there wasn't a lot of people checking him out. He posed for pictures, and then went back to spin around. I took my camera out and the bitch just died. Sorry Mr Blaine, maybe next year.
The rest of the weekend, was uneventful. I slept as much as I could, eat way too much and finished some work. No sex today kids!
PS, a certain someone wants to stop by my office on Friday, that spells T-R-O-U-B-L-E. I'm still thinking about accepting that plan or just avoid drama.
I'm really disappointed because my camera decided to die on me last Wednesday, so I have no prove that I saw Mr Blaine! I finally left work around 2pm, so before I ran out I checked online to see where the hell was he (I couldn't see anything from my window). Believe it or not I almost gave up, because I almost couldn't find the exact location, until it appeared: 46th between 7th and 8th. I start walking, and yeah it took me forever because there was a gazillion people outside. I stopped in Broadway and 46th and look up, nothing. hmm weird. I walked one more block and nothing, two more and nothing. I decided to walk from Broadway to 8th avenue and just take the subway home. i was right in the middle of 2 stations, so I decided to walk back and use my usual stop. While walking on 8th and 46th, I saw him. They didn't close the street or anything. Basically they took a parking lot and put a stand. The guy wasn't 5 stories high, maybe 3, if. The machine wasn't controlling the movements, he was controlling it, so he could stop and then turn however he wanted. After 2.5 minutes I was done. I mean, cool, and good for him, but it wasn't that exciting, in fact there wasn't a lot of people checking him out. He posed for pictures, and then went back to spin around. I took my camera out and the bitch just died. Sorry Mr Blaine, maybe next year.
The rest of the weekend, was uneventful. I slept as much as I could, eat way too much and finished some work. No sex today kids!
PS, a certain someone wants to stop by my office on Friday, that spells T-R-O-U-B-L-E. I'm still thinking about accepting that plan or just avoid drama.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
This city is awesome, no questions about it. Great food, the best museums, stores, etc. But there's always something that makes this city a shitty place to live: tourists. I know, I was one also, however some of the people visiting seem to forget that this is also a place were people actually work! I'm specifically talking about Times Square. This area has changed on an amazing way in the last decades. The first time I came to New York, TS was a hell whole. I think Taxi Driver is the perfect picture of that time: tons of sex shops, stripping joints and hookers. The Giuliani came on board and now TS is just another Disney! I work right on TS, and I mean right in the middle, I can see the New Year's ball dropping from my office's window.
The location is perfect for me, the subway is a couple of blocks away and it takes me almost no time to get home. The problem appears when I leave the station. A journey that should only take a couple of minutes can be as long as 5 or 10! how? Well, some tourists (I'm not blaming everybody) decide that the middle of the sidewalk is the perfect place to take a picture or to shop for the perfect tour on a double decker bus. But that's not all, oh no, if it is a big group they all feel the need stop at the same time so NOBODY can go thru!
Again, I was a tourist once, and I took pictures and the whole thing, but I tried to cause as little congestion as possible, some people are trying to get to work!
Please come to NY, enjoy the city, spend a lot of money so my taxes don't go up, but for the love of god, do not block the sidewalk! Now I'm on my way to see David Blaine and take pictures :)
The location is perfect for me, the subway is a couple of blocks away and it takes me almost no time to get home. The problem appears when I leave the station. A journey that should only take a couple of minutes can be as long as 5 or 10! how? Well, some tourists (I'm not blaming everybody) decide that the middle of the sidewalk is the perfect place to take a picture or to shop for the perfect tour on a double decker bus. But that's not all, oh no, if it is a big group they all feel the need stop at the same time so NOBODY can go thru!
Again, I was a tourist once, and I took pictures and the whole thing, but I tried to cause as little congestion as possible, some people are trying to get to work!
Please come to NY, enjoy the city, spend a lot of money so my taxes don't go up, but for the love of god, do not block the sidewalk! Now I'm on my way to see David Blaine and take pictures :)
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
I just saw the video of Kramer using the N word. The way I see it, that word will lose its shocking calue within the next 2 generations. I'm not sure if this happens everywhere, but at least in NY you hear it all the time specially on teenagers. The funny thing is that it is not just used among african-american teenagers but white and hispanic kids are using it alike. I know that the word itself has the most despicable origins, and it has always been used to denigrate a group of people, however because of pop culture (yeah, basically rap music) the word is loosing the power. Don't get me wrong, I still hate the word because of the connotation, however at the end it is just that, it is just a word that a group of black entertainers used so much that now is part of the popular culture.
If you watched Comic Relief last Saturday, you were exposed to the N word a good 100 times if not more, mostly (if not exclusively) by black comedians. The bits were funny, serious comments or critcism to races and America in general. I guess the use of the N word is ok, because they don't mean any harm, but I feel like it is harming people. It is giving an OK for anybody that wants to use that word. Should it be forbidden? Probably not, but don't make a huge deal because somebody famous (that is not black) used it.
I'm part of a minority, and the way I see it there's only one way to get out of the stereotypes: break them! work hard, prove "the man" wrong! You are the one that has the power to break the mold! it is possible!
Damn, now I'm doctor-phil-ing on the blog... i need a break!
If you watched Comic Relief last Saturday, you were exposed to the N word a good 100 times if not more, mostly (if not exclusively) by black comedians. The bits were funny, serious comments or critcism to races and America in general. I guess the use of the N word is ok, because they don't mean any harm, but I feel like it is harming people. It is giving an OK for anybody that wants to use that word. Should it be forbidden? Probably not, but don't make a huge deal because somebody famous (that is not black) used it.
I'm part of a minority, and the way I see it there's only one way to get out of the stereotypes: break them! work hard, prove "the man" wrong! You are the one that has the power to break the mold! it is possible!
Damn, now I'm doctor-phil-ing on the blog... i need a break!
Monday, November 20, 2006
The Visit
I've been working on this story for the longest time, and well, Bri's dilemma with her boy (oh man we guys really suck!) push me to finish it once and for all.
I'm not sure if many people out there have the Office-sex fantasy. For me it wasn't on the top 3 until The Ex showed me the light. I dated The Ex for 4 years, 3 in a row and on and off the last year we were together. She was the one that calmed me down, the one that showed me a more sophisticated and mature way of life. we still partied, but in a more mature way. And the sex was just insane! We had no boundaries, and we tried almost every fantasy that we had at the time.
She is a great girl, but we were not that great as a couple. She is the most social person I have ever met, totally lovable and she could start a conversation with anybody anywhere. Because of this, she was the first one to get a job offer right after college, an entry level PR/HR job for a great cellphone company. Basically she was in charge of a floor that had tons of conference/training rooms on the corporate building (somewhere in the 10th or 12th floor). Right out of college we were crazy about work, working insane hours and enjoying it to the max, but of course we couldn't see each other as often as we used to. Because of this, every time that we met the passion was unbelievable! and we couldn't keep the hands off each other.
One night i went to pick her up since we were going to have dinner. I took a cab from my office and headed to hers (she also had a car, so we usually drove hers so she could go home easily, that car has some stories as well! one day I'll write about it). When I got to her floor, it was totally empty, it had to be around 9pm or something like that so the only security personnel at that time was in the lobby (usually when I went to visit her a security guard was around).
She was still doing the inventory for some equipment on one of the rooms, so she invite me inside until she was done. She was wearing a black skirt, thigh highs, black stilettos and a white button down blouse. I was sitting on the desk right in front of the chair she was using. She was writing something and then i couldn't take it anymore. I approach her slowly, she stop her work and look at me, she could tell what I had on my mind. In a second she stood up and then sit down on the main table. I met her there, and our lips were feeling each other in no time.
My hands started to run down her side, getting down to her legs, I placed my legs between hers and in an instant I felt my cock getting as hard as a rock. My hands found the bottom of her skirt and slowly i pull it up. I went crazy when my fingers jumped from the silk to her skin, I'm the biggest fan of thight hights stockings!!!!
We knew that we didn't have much time and that at any moment a security guy could show up. Even though I loved to sucked her pussy dry, we had to go straight to business. I pulled my pants down and sat on the chair, she removed her thong and got on top right away. She was so wet that it didn't take any effort for me to get inside her. she started to move up and down so I was able to feel her all the way. One of my hands grab her ass to help her move, the other one pulled her hair so her face was facing up, my lips went straight for her neck, kissing, sucking, biting with each movement. I wanted to feel her more, I wanted to make her mine!. I let her hair go and that hand opened her blouse, exposing her beautiful breasts. My tongue started to move around them, then my lips started to kiss them.
The adrenaline was running like crazy and in a matter of seconds I could her her moaning softly, her pussy contracting faster and faster, until she could not take it anymore, she put her mouth next to my right ear and started moaning, she knew I wasn't able to resist that and in the next thrust I came as hard as I could.
We stayed like that for a few minutes, I was still inside her just holding her and listening to each other's heavy breathing. At some point reality hit and we got dressed.
We never foud out if there were security cameras around, but if they were I'm sure we gave them a hell of a show!
I hope I didn't suck as much as I think I did writing this, but I never checked what I was writing. I wrote it as it came into my mind. There are some thing that you don't forget, and that night will stay for me forever.
Friday, November 17, 2006
If you pay $9,000 for a PlayStation 3 you deserve to die. You have too much money and too little brains!
If you shoot somebody because of a PS3, you need to go to jail, you cannot live with the rest of society!
If you camped outside of Best Buy for a week to get a PS3, you deserve one, but you also deserve to stay away from everybody else, show that commitment for something better!
I like videogames, but this is just out of control.
If you pay $9,000 for a PlayStation 3 you deserve to die. You have too much money and too little brains!
If you shoot somebody because of a PS3, you need to go to jail, you cannot live with the rest of society!
If you camped outside of Best Buy for a week to get a PS3, you deserve one, but you also deserve to stay away from everybody else, show that commitment for something better!
I like videogames, but this is just out of control.
This side of the fence
As far as I know nobody has ever cheated on me. Even if they did, they did such a great job that i never found out. Honestly I'm not sure if I would care, I guess that my ego would suffer some bruises but I don’t think it would be something that would devastated my life. I saw this movie a few years ago called "Denial". It followed up the lives of 2 couples. There was this guy who wanted to be faithful to his wife, but he had a friend that was a total male-whore (he was married as well), plus the first guy's wife and the man-whore wife. I'm totally fucking up the movie (so you better watch it if you get a chance) but this is the basic premise: They all were at a dinner party when this guy joined them. He was a writer and started to talk about his book, according to him people cannot be faithful, we all live on a state of denial regarding the ability to separate sex and love; we refuse to satisfy our needs because of what society decided is the right way to live (having sex with the same person until death takes you away). The wife of the male-whore was totally outraged by that comment and then it all started. By the end of the movie the following took place:
Simple guy who wanted to be faithful went to a massage parlor and felt so guilty that he got a happy ending that he told his wife, she totally flipped out and I think she kicked him out
The same girl that I just mentioned above had an affair with her college professor, this was before her husband told him about the happy ending
Man-whore had an affair with a sales clerk. He met her when he was shopping for a present for his wife, the sales clerk knew he was married and still fucked him. On a later scene she is desperately crying because he didn’t call her.
Man-whore's wife slept with the author that they met at the dinner party at the beginning of the movie
There's way more than this, but I cannot remember all the details. The second couple (man-whore and wife) had this rule: “don’t ask, don’t tell”. By the end of the movie they stayed together, he prepared this awesome party just for the 2 of them on their balcony. Couple #1 split, even though she fucked somebody that she liked and he only got a hand-job from an old Asian woman, he was the one to blame because he confessed. I honestly think that everybody should work on a “don’t ask don’t tell” mode. They were in love! Yes, they fucked other people but that was just sex, and they were both aware of the situation. Am I insane for even assuming that something like this is possible and that it could work? Probably. What was my point? None I guess, but Cyris blog really made me think.
Too much thinking, it is Friday afternoon, it is sunny and I have a gazillion conference calls. I think there should be a law that prohibits the set up of conference calls or meetings on Friday afternoon…unless there’s alcohol involved. I’m working on this office-sex post (blame Bri), we’ll see if I can finish it, maybe she can take some pointers from here!
As far as I know nobody has ever cheated on me. Even if they did, they did such a great job that i never found out. Honestly I'm not sure if I would care, I guess that my ego would suffer some bruises but I don’t think it would be something that would devastated my life. I saw this movie a few years ago called "Denial". It followed up the lives of 2 couples. There was this guy who wanted to be faithful to his wife, but he had a friend that was a total male-whore (he was married as well), plus the first guy's wife and the man-whore wife. I'm totally fucking up the movie (so you better watch it if you get a chance) but this is the basic premise: They all were at a dinner party when this guy joined them. He was a writer and started to talk about his book, according to him people cannot be faithful, we all live on a state of denial regarding the ability to separate sex and love; we refuse to satisfy our needs because of what society decided is the right way to live (having sex with the same person until death takes you away). The wife of the male-whore was totally outraged by that comment and then it all started. By the end of the movie the following took place:
Simple guy who wanted to be faithful went to a massage parlor and felt so guilty that he got a happy ending that he told his wife, she totally flipped out and I think she kicked him out
The same girl that I just mentioned above had an affair with her college professor, this was before her husband told him about the happy ending
Man-whore had an affair with a sales clerk. He met her when he was shopping for a present for his wife, the sales clerk knew he was married and still fucked him. On a later scene she is desperately crying because he didn’t call her.
Man-whore's wife slept with the author that they met at the dinner party at the beginning of the movie
There's way more than this, but I cannot remember all the details. The second couple (man-whore and wife) had this rule: “don’t ask, don’t tell”. By the end of the movie they stayed together, he prepared this awesome party just for the 2 of them on their balcony. Couple #1 split, even though she fucked somebody that she liked and he only got a hand-job from an old Asian woman, he was the one to blame because he confessed. I honestly think that everybody should work on a “don’t ask don’t tell” mode. They were in love! Yes, they fucked other people but that was just sex, and they were both aware of the situation. Am I insane for even assuming that something like this is possible and that it could work? Probably. What was my point? None I guess, but Cyris blog really made me think.
Too much thinking, it is Friday afternoon, it is sunny and I have a gazillion conference calls. I think there should be a law that prohibits the set up of conference calls or meetings on Friday afternoon…unless there’s alcohol involved. I’m working on this office-sex post (blame Bri), we’ll see if I can finish it, maybe she can take some pointers from here!
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Hard to know what it is
If you never had one
I can't say where it is
But I know
I'm going
That's where the hurt is
And I know it aches
And your heart it breaks
You can only take so much
Walk onLeave it behind
You've got to leave it behind
All that you fashion
All that you make
All that you build
All that you break
All that you measure
All that you steal
All this you can leave behind
All that you reason
All that you care
It's only time
And I'll never fill up all my mind
All that you sense
All that you speak
All you dress up
And all that you scheme
All you create
All that you wreck
All that you hate
Walk On (U2)
I love U2, I saw them live last year and I can say that it was more than a concert, it was a true experience! Yes, their music is awesome, but the vibe and what they represent is so much bigger than a just a rock band (let's forget that they do make millions of dollars, hey at the end they deserve it).
Anyway, I just had to add the concert part because it was that awesome, and if you have the chance to see them live, you better take it!
That song, Walk On, is one of my favorites. I decided to post it after reading somebody's blog. She is new to this city (been there!) and I know how difficult it can be. Changes in general are difficult, but I think a change of city has to be by far one of the most stressful/depressing situations a person can face.
It's not easy been alone, specially when you come from a place where you had friends and in general, a life! I left behind a great group of friends, guys that I met when I was in second grade and that stayed with me through good and bad times. They were there when I took the plane to NYC, and they have been there every time that I went back to visit. When I first came here, I had nobody, and that was the biggest shock. The size of the city, the subway, the "rudeness"
Hard to know what it is
If you never had one
I can't say where it is
But I know
I'm going
That's where the hurt is
And I know it aches
And your heart it breaks
You can only take so much
Walk onLeave it behind
You've got to leave it behind
All that you fashion
All that you make
All that you build
All that you break
All that you measure
All that you steal
All this you can leave behind
All that you reason
All that you care
It's only time
And I'll never fill up all my mind
All that you sense
All that you speak
All you dress up
And all that you scheme
All you create
All that you wreck
All that you hate
Walk On (U2)
I love U2, I saw them live last year and I can say that it was more than a concert, it was a true experience! Yes, their music is awesome, but the vibe and what they represent is so much bigger than a just a rock band (let's forget that they do make millions of dollars, hey at the end they deserve it).
Anyway, I just had to add the concert part because it was that awesome, and if you have the chance to see them live, you better take it!
That song, Walk On, is one of my favorites. I decided to post it after reading somebody's blog. She is new to this city (been there!) and I know how difficult it can be. Changes in general are difficult, but I think a change of city has to be by far one of the most stressful/depressing situations a person can face.
It's not easy been alone, specially when you come from a place where you had friends and in general, a life! I left behind a great group of friends, guys that I met when I was in second grade and that stayed with me through good and bad times. They were there when I took the plane to NYC, and they have been there every time that I went back to visit. When I first came here, I had nobody, and that was the biggest shock. The size of the city, the subway, the "rudeness"
the new yorkers, all of that wasn't a shock. Finding myself with nobody to call for a drink or to go out to a movie was my biggest issue. I found myself going to dinner and movies alone, drinking alone. It was tough, i was on my mid 20's and I found myself trying to meet new people, I was out of my safe zone and it wasn't easy.
I guess at some point I had to leave it all behind and start all over and I pushed myself to give this place a chance. Life's all about choices. I think this city deserves one.
Monday, November 13, 2006

1 Dirty Martini (3 olives, extra dirty)
1 Long Island Iced Tea
The best Mexican food ever
1 more LI Iced Tea for the road
1 Vodka on the rocks
Make it 2 (one for the road)
1 Jack and Coke
One more for the road
It's been years since I felt this sick. It is Monday night and I'm still feeling hanged over. Am I that damn old?? It is funny how little differences in your life make you remember your age. I can say that I was a party guy. I started drinking very early, which deserves a longer explanation: for whatever reason the school system thought that I was smart and decided to make me skip one grade, so I always was the youngest on my grade. When my friends were 14, I was 14, so yes, by age 14 I was drinking and smoking. We started to drink cheap wine, one bottle for the six of us, then it was a bottle for 3, then for 2, then a bottle for each one. We moved to harder liquor and I can say that by age 15 I mastered the skills of drinking. I was able to drink and hold my liquor.
When I got into college, when most of my classmates were experiencing the wild life for the first time I was getting kind of tired of it. I started dating THE ex. The party stopped and the drinking was greatly reduced. Whenever we got together with my friends we were amazed of how little we drank and how we learned to stop... we reached the point where we didn't have to finish all the alcohol available just because it was there.
When before we were able to drink for the entire weekend, literally non-stop, now we could hardly open our eyes the next morning.
I'm 30 and I have never feel as bad as I did this last Sunday. I will not into details here, but it was bad! I don't remember the last time that I spent a whole day on my pajamas!
1 Long Island Iced Tea
The best Mexican food ever
1 more LI Iced Tea for the road
1 Vodka on the rocks
Make it 2 (one for the road)
1 Jack and Coke
One more for the road
It's been years since I felt this sick. It is Monday night and I'm still feeling hanged over. Am I that damn old?? It is funny how little differences in your life make you remember your age. I can say that I was a party guy. I started drinking very early, which deserves a longer explanation: for whatever reason the school system thought that I was smart and decided to make me skip one grade, so I always was the youngest on my grade. When my friends were 14, I was 14, so yes, by age 14 I was drinking and smoking. We started to drink cheap wine, one bottle for the six of us, then it was a bottle for 3, then for 2, then a bottle for each one. We moved to harder liquor and I can say that by age 15 I mastered the skills of drinking. I was able to drink and hold my liquor.
When I got into college, when most of my classmates were experiencing the wild life for the first time I was getting kind of tired of it. I started dating THE ex. The party stopped and the drinking was greatly reduced. Whenever we got together with my friends we were amazed of how little we drank and how we learned to stop... we reached the point where we didn't have to finish all the alcohol available just because it was there.
When before we were able to drink for the entire weekend, literally non-stop, now we could hardly open our eyes the next morning.
I'm 30 and I have never feel as bad as I did this last Sunday. I will not into details here, but it was bad! I don't remember the last time that I spent a whole day on my pajamas!
At the end of the day, when I was finally ready to put some food on my stomach, I could only think about the moment of my life that I'm enjoying right now. Yes, I'm not partying/drinking/fucking like a rock star anymore, but the things that I enjoy today are definately not making me feel like i'm dying the next morning.
Let me take that last one back, I can still fuck like a rock star!